this is Sweden opens Guerilla Gallery//THIS IS MY VOTE//
On Saturday 2nd June, this is Sweden will open the 5th edition of Guerilla Gallery – a two-week long occupation of Changer’s Hub Sture dedicated to political consciousness.
The occupation invites comrades to join the Gallery; including fellow fashion designers Diemonde, photographer Freja Lindberg, fine artist Carolina Nylund , Oscar Emanuel and designer Isa Andersson. Consider Guerilla Gallery a perspective where you can purchase the work too.
As we led up to election time, Guerilla Gallery is kicking off with an informative afternoon titled ‘This Is My Vote’ aimed at first time voters on 6th June. The event will answer common questions like, ‘How do I vote?’ ‘Can I vote if I’m not a citizen?’ ‘What are the three things we are voting for?’ – all the practicalities and none of the agendas. First time voter or not, everybody is welcome and encouraged to come along.
At this edition of Guerilla Gallery, this is Sweden will release their latest designs: 50/50 garments (each one a one-off, no two the same) and limited edition summer parkas.
Guerilla Gallery will run from 2nd – 10th June at Changer’s Hub Sture.
T-shirt weather or sweatshirt? Yellow or blue? Short or longsleeve? Boxy fit or long-line? Tired of choosing? No problem, we solved that for you, and for a relly good price even. Two garments for the price of ONE!
Isa Andersson
The meadows summer flowers breaks free from its cage, the violent steel pipe reclaimed as price tag and the overprotective frame in ”Swedish yellow” creates the installation Secure into is a store concept for this Is Sweden. Isa is studying her MFA at Konstfack and is often intrigued with questions of psychical and psychological borders build on a foundation from fear, that creates a facade of safety. And for whom?
Freja Lindberg
Freja lyfter genom sina bilder frågor rörande representationens, eller dess brists, påverkan i formandet av ens självbild och världsbild. Genom att skapa utrymme i bild åt personer som sällan ges självklar plats vill hen bidra till en breddad representation av mångfald som speglar alla de olika människor vårt samhälle faktiskt består av.
A lifestyle brand established in 2015 from an idea to create minimalistic streetwear, inspired by contemporary streetwear culture in Sweden. Over time, the idea grew to a concept based on the Swedish modern multi-cultural youth’s journey from the suburb to the city. A journey from exclusion to inclusion in the cultural life, and its progress for a growing generation of young creatives with confidence and a strong will to make a change.
this is my vote! 6e Juni 15-20, Grev Turegatan 7
Vad betyder det egentligen att “det är val”? Vem får rösta? Vad betyder det att rösta för kommun och landsting? Får jag rösta om jag inte är svensk medborgare? Är det första gången du får rösta? Vill du veta mer om valet och rösträtt? Lyssna på tal, poesi och samtal om varför det är viktigt att rösta, för förstagångsväljare av förstagångsväljare!
Vi har tröttnat på att politiker och media pratar med oss (unga, utlandsfödda, invandrare) som om vi vore 5-åringar när all info om val/rösträtt m.m. dessutom är extremt otillgängligt. Hur höjer vi valdeltagandet bland grupper som känner att politik inte ens snuddar vid deras vardag? Vad innebär det att "det är val" 9 september 2018? Vem har rösträtt och hur vet en det? Detta besvaras genom tal, poesi och samtal på Grev Turegatan 7 den 6 juni - tell your friends to tell their friends to tell...
this is Sweden Guerilla Gallery
June 2nd - 10th, Grev Turegatan 7, Stockholm
Opening Hours
Saturday June 2nd 11-17Sunday June 3rd 11-17Monday June 4th 10-18Tuesday June 5th 10-18Wednesday June 6th 11-20 (this is my vote event 14-19 )Thursday June 7th 10-18Friday June 8th 10-18Saturday June 9th 11-17Sunday June 10th 11-16